We do not offer set deadlines for convention times as we book on a monthly basis. Please make sure your completion timeframe is at least ONE MONTH prior to your actual event/deadline.For example- If you have a convention or event you’d like your costume completed by in December, please make sure your completion month is set for at the latest, November. This allows for any unforeseeable issues that may arise to decrease the impact on your designated deadlines.
Our completion times are as follows: we book in on a monthly format, for example, we book you for completion during January-March. This means that your costume is started, and completed anytime during these designated months (with an allotted 2 week grace period following the 1st day of the last month). We work in batches and have more than one client/item(s) for that time frame, so if you don’t see your costume started on the first of the month, do not worry!
If your completion month chosen is within the month of a convention, please be aware that your costume may not be completed and shipped before this date. We typically ship costumes the last week/by the first week of the new month. If you need your costume earlier than the originally agreed upon time, the client may choose to pay an expedited fee for earlier completion- typically 25-35% of the total purchase cost. We cannot always guarantee that expedited timeframes are available, so please inquire as soon as possible should you need to.
If the client does not provide their required materials (measurement/detail form, and/or their DTD by the specified time, there may be delays in production. We need your required materials in order to even start creating your costume. If, for whatever reason you as the client are not able to provide said materials by their due dates, delays are to be expected. Please let us know as soon as possible if there will be delays on your end. **Full suits require the client send us a Duct Tape Dummy** this MUST be done to our guidelines provided on our website. If done incorrectly and we need you to make/send a new one, there will be delays.
Should you have a hard deadline you would like met outside of the above terms, an expedition fee will occur and is on a case by case basis, just ask us.
Blue Harbor Creations, LLC prides itself on completing your costume by the agreed upon timeframe.